OFF THE GRID: United States and Orange County, Texas Power Outage Tracker (2025)

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  2. Power Outages


As severe weather or blizzards threaten, this database aggregates power outage information from more than 1,000 companies nationwide. It will automatically update every 15 minutes.

Orange County, Texas power outages in last 15 days

Total tracked customers: 41,448

Power outages in last 72 hours

View the map as of

% of Power Outages

More than 80%















Less than 10%


% of Power Outages


Source: Utility companies' power outage maps

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Power outages in Texas

Area% of power outageNumber of outages reportedNumber of customers tracked
Gregg County, TX4.93,13563,372
Rusk County, TX3.456816,911
Van Zandt County, TX2.586935,225
Hudspeth County, TX1.6483,091
Leon County, TX0.813317,416
Dimmit County, TX0.5367,023
Culberson County, TX0.4122,822
Matagorda County, TX0.47316,531
Pecos County, TX0.43910,269
Brewster County, TX0.3237,642
San Jacinto County, TX0.35019,044
Terrell County, TX0.341,167
DeWitt County, TX0.22510,252
Menard County, TX0.242,522
Panola County, TX0.2106,233
Titus County, TX0.22415,904
Bosque County, TX0.11414,075
Brooks County, TX0.144,408
Duval County, TX0.158,954
Galveston County, TX0.1193181,054
Harris County, TX0.11,1832,117,236
Haskell County, TX0.143,861
Hidalgo County, TX0.1278341,007
Hutchinson County, TX0.11315,691
Jackson County, TX0.144,641
Jones County, TX0.156,000
La Salle County, TX0.145,446
Live Oak County, TX0.1610,337
Marion County, TX0.146,899
Smith County, TX0.183135,463
Zavala County, TX0.196,518
Andrews County, TX0.0110,847
Angelina County, TX0.0245,759
Austin County, TX0.0218,854
Bee County, TX0.0113,747
Bell County, TX0.01176,750
Bowie County, TX0.0449,673
Brazoria County, TX0.030173,804
Cameron County, TX0.04119,140
Chambers County, TX0.0125,446
Cherokee County, TX0.0130,845
Collin County, TX0.015467,595
Dallas County, TX0.0611,133,373
Denton County, TX0.089515,241
Ector County, TX0.0288,560
Ellis County, TX0.0996,689
Fort Bend County, TX0.057353,076
Gray County, TX0.0112,482
Grayson County, TX0.0279,862
Guadalupe County, TX0.0390,902
Henderson County, TX0.01256,303
Hunt County, TX0.0142,558
Jefferson County, TX0.066152,855
Jim Hogg County, TX0.013,397
Karnes County, TX0.049,724
Kaufman County, TX0.0683,712
Kleberg County, TX0.0415,667
Lamb County, TX0.0512,709
Liberty County, TX0.01347,962
McLennan County, TX0.023127,455
Martin County, TX0.018,112
Maverick County, TX0.01123,332
Midland County, TX0.05100,293
Mitchell County, TX0.015,969
Montgomery County, TX0.0154331,203
Nacogdoches County, TX0.0626,064
Navarro County, TX0.0220,723
Nueces County, TX0.015163,620
Orange County, TX0.0241,448
Parker County, TX0.0173,994
Reeves County, TX0.029,991
Shelby County, TX0.014,643
Tarrant County, TX0.078955,265
Taylor County, TX0.0476,089
Tom Green County, TX0.0668,821
Travis County, TX0.018703,105
Val Verde County, TX0.01024,142
Victoria County, TX0.0431,015
Walker County, TX0.0134,508
Waller County, TX0.0316,639
Webb County, TX0.017101,484
Wharton County, TX0.0823,918
Williamson County, TX0.03330,140

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OFF THE GRID: United States and Orange County, Texas Power Outage Tracker (2025)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.