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DMV Office near King George county
Opening Hours & Appointments in King George DMV.
Here you will find information about opening hours and appointments at the King George DMV.
About King George DMV offices list.
We have found the closest DMV office, 6.32 miles away off King George, at 13035 Kings Highway, King George.
We also offer you seven other alternative offices, sorted by distance.
Today is Labor Day, and some offices will probably be closed or open until noon. Please call your office before visiting.
Offices in King George County:
6 mi.DMV Select
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 07:30-16:30 Appointments Online
Offices in Virginia near King George County:
26 mi.Stafford DMV Select
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 08:00-16:00 Appointments Online
28 mi.DMV Select
212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 09:00-16:00 Appointments Online
28 mi.DMV Customer Service Center
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 08:00-17:00 Appointments Online
33 mi.DMV Customer Service Center
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 08:00-17:00 Appointments Online
36 mi.Dumfries DMV Select
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 09:00-16:00 Appointments Online
45 mi.DMV Customer Service Center
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 08:00-17:00 Appointments Online
49 mi.DMV Customer Service Center
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county
Appointments recommended
Office info Wednesday hours: 08:00-17:00 Appointments Online
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DMV Appointment in King George County
if you need to visit us in person, make an appointment, reserve your spot or walk in for service.
You can schedule your appointment online here:
Schedule your DMV appointment in King George
To check in when you arrive, visit the Information Desk or scan the QR code in the lobby to get an e-ticket. Follow the text message prompts and you’ll receive your ticket number directly on your phone.
No. Appointments are recommended to save time in line, though.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
Yes. Appointments are recommended to save time in line, though.
You can schedule your appointment online pressing here.
DMV Hours in King George County
Today, being Wednesday, King George DMV offices open at different hours, starting from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Opening hours:
212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline county9 a.m.*
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county8 a.m.*
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George county7:30 a.m.*
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.*
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county8 a.m.*
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.*
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county8 a.m.*
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William county9 a.m.*
*Remember that today is Labor Day. We recommend selecting your office from the list to obtain specific information about the holiday's closures.
Today, being Wednesday, King George DMV offices close at different hours, starting from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Closing hours:
212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline county4 p.m.*
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county5 p.m.*
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George county4:30 p.m.*
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford county4 p.m.*
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county5 p.m.*
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county5 p.m.*
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county5 p.m.*
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William county4 p.m.*
*Remember that today is Labor Day. We recommend selecting your office from the list to obtain specific information about the holiday's closures.
Tomorrow, being Thursday, King George DMV offices will open at different times, starting from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Opening hours:
212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline county9 a.m.
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county8 a.m.
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George county7:30 a.m.
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county8 a.m.
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county8 a.m.
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William county9 a.m.
Yes, some offices are open on weekends:
there are four King George DMV offices open on Saturday.
Opening hours:
Sunday 212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline countyClosed
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county8 a.m.
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George countyClosed
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford countyClosed
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county8 a.m.
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county8 a.m.
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William countyClosed
Yes, there are four King George DMV offices open on Saturday.
Opening hours:
212 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Caroline countyClosed
5700 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, Stafford county8 a.m.
13035 Kings Highway
King George, King George countyClosed
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Stafford countyClosed
750 Richmond Beach Road
Tappahannock, Essex county8 a.m.
874 Garrisonville Road
Stafford, Stafford county8 a.m.
2731 Caton Hill Road
Woodbridge, Prince William county8 a.m.
17739 Main Street
Dumfries, Prince William countyClosed
No, the King George DMV doesn't open on Sunday.
Cities in King George county
- Dahlgren
- Dogue
- Jersey
- King George
- Ninde
- Rollins Fork
- Sealston
Counties in Virginia
- Accomack
- Albemarle
- Alexandria City
- Alleghany
- Amelia
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- Appomattox
- Arlington
- Augusta
- Bath
- Bedford
- Bland
- Botetourt
- Bristol
- Bristol City
- Brunswick
- Buchanan
- Buckingham
- Buena Vista City
- Campbell
- Caroline
- Carroll
- Charles City
- Charlotte
- Charlottesville City
- Chesapeake City
- Chesterfield
- Clarke
- Colonial Heights City
- Covington City
- Craig
- Culpeper
- Cumberland
- Danville City
- Dickenson
- Dinwiddie
- Emporia City
- Essex
- Fairfax
- Fairfax City
- Falls Church City
- Fauquier
- Floyd
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- Franklin
- Franklin City
- Frederick
- Fredericksburg City
- Galax City
- Giles
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- Goochland
- Grayson
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- Halifax
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- Hanover
- Harrisonburg City
- Henrico
- Henry
- Highland
- Hopewell City
- Isle of Wight
- James City
- King And Queen
- King George
- King William
- Lancaster
- Lee
- Lexington City
- Loudoun
- Louisa
- Lunenburg
- Lynchburg City
- Madison
- Manassas City
- Manassas Park City
- Martinsville City
- Mathews
- Mecklenburg
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- Nelson
- New Kent
- Newport News City
- Norfolk City
- Northampton
- Northumberland
- Norton City
- Nottoway
- Orange
- Page
- Patrick
- Petersburg City
- Pittsylvania
- Poquoson City
- Portsmouth City
- Powhatan
- Prince Edward
- Prince George
- Prince William
- Pulaski
- Radford
- Rappahannock
- Richmond
- Richmond City
- Roanoke
- Roanoke City
- Rockbridge
- Rockingham
- Russell
- Salem
- Scott
- Shenandoah
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- Spotsylvania
- Stafford
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- Suffolk City
- Surry
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- Tazewell
- Virginia Beach City
- Warren
- Washington
- Waynesboro City
- Westmoreland
- Williamsburg City
- Winchester City
- Wise
- Wythe
- York
Services in Virginia
Learner's Permit
Drivers License
Drivers License Renewal
DMV Change of Address
Name Change
Lost Drivers License
Driving Records
Vehicle Registration
Renew Registration
License Plate
Bill of Sale
Title Transfers
ID Card