Important Academic and Administrative Dates (2024)

Fall Semester





IUOCC ReplicationThursday, January 19, 2023Thursday, January 25, 2024Thursday, January 23, 2025Thursday, January 22, 2026Continuing Student Term ActivationTuesday, February 14, 2023Tuesday, February 20, 2024Tuesday, February 18, 2025Tuesday, February 17, 2026Run Enrollment AppointmentsWednesday, February 15, 2023Wednesday, February 21, 2024Wednesday, February 19, 2025Wednesday, February 18, 2026Registration BeginsMonday, March 20, 2023Monday, March 25, 2024Monday, March 24, 2025Monday, March 23, 2026Term BeginsMonday, August 21, 2023Monday, August 26, 2024Monday, August 25, 2025Monday, August 24, 2026Last Date to request WaitlistWednesday, August 23, 2023Wednesday, August 28, 2024Wednesday, August 27, 2025Wednesday, August 26, 2026CensusSunday, August 27, 2023Sunday, September 1, 2024Sunday, August 31, 2025Sunday, August 30, 2026Labor Day (No Classes)Monday, September 4, 2023Monday, September 2, 2024Monday, September 1, 2025Monday, September 7, 2026End of first week - Begin Late eAdd/eDrop (100% Refund)Sunday, August 27, 2023Sunday, September 1, 2024Sunday, August 31, 2025Sunday, August 30, 2026End of second week (75% Refund)Sunday, September 3, 2023Sunday, September 8, 2024Sunday, September 7, 2025Sunday, September 6, 2026End of third week (50% Refund)Sunday, September 10, 2023Sunday, September 15, 2024Sunday, September 14, 2025Sunday, September 13, 2026End of fourth week (25% Refund)Sunday, September 17, 2023Sunday, September 22, 2024Sunday, September 21, 2025Sunday, September 20, 2026End of Automatic Withdrawal-Late Withdrawalsat IUN are auto approved through the end of the 12th week for full-semester courses and to the end of the 6th week for eight-week courses. Withdrawal requests after this deadline are subject to instructor and dean approval resulting in a W, F or denial of the request.Sunday, October 22, 2023(extended IUN dates: 8W1 classes Sunday, October 1, 2023. Full-Semester and 8W2 classes Sunday, November 12, 2023)Sunday, October 27, 2024Sunday, October 26, 2025Sunday, October 25, 2026Last date to requestPass/FailFriday, September 1, 2023Friday, September 6, 2024Friday, September 5, 2025Friday, September 4, 2026Online 8W1 BeginMonday, August 21, 2023Monday, August 26, 2024Monday, August 25, 2025Monday, August 24, 2026Online 8W1 EndFriday, October 13, 2023Friday, October 18, 2024Friday, October 17, 2025Friday, October 16, 2026Fall Break StartMonday, October 16, 2023Monday, October 21, 2024Monday, October 20, 2025Monday, October 19, 2026Fall Break EndTuesday, October 17, 2023Tuesday, October 22, 2024Tuesday, October 21, 2025Tuesday, October 20, 2026Online 8W2 BeginWednesday, October 18, 2023Wednesday, October 23, 2024Wednesday, October 22, 2025Wednesday, October 21, 2026Online 8W2 EndFriday, December 15, 2023Friday, December 20, 2024Friday, December 19, 2025Friday, December 18, 2026Thanksgiving Recess StartWednesday, November 22, 2023Wednesday, November 27, 2024Wednesday, November 26, 2025Wednesday, November 25, 2026Thanksgiving Recess EndSunday, November 26, 2023Sunday, December 1, 2024Sunday, November 30, 2025Sunday, November 29, 2026Last date to request a late withdrawal (W/F)Friday, December 8, 2023Friday, December 13, 2024Friday, December 12, 2025Friday, December 11, 2026Generate Final RostersMonday, November 27, 2023Monday, December 2, 2024Monday, December 1, 2025Monday, November 30, 2026Final Grades Processing BeginsTuesday, November 28, 2023Tuesday, December 3, 2024Tuesday, December 2, 2025Tuesday, December 1, 2026Classes EndFriday, December 8, 2023Friday, December 13, 2024Friday, December 12, 2025Friday, December 11, 2026Exams Final StartMonday, December 11, 2023Monday, December 16, 2024Monday, December 15, 2025Monday, December 14, 2026Exams Final EndFriday, December 15, 2023Friday, December 20, 2024Friday, December 19, 2025Friday, December 18, 2026Preferred Final Grades Due DateMonday, December 18, 2023Monday, December 23, 2024Monday, December 22, 2025Monday, December 21, 2026Policy Final Grades Due DateTuesday, December 19, 2023Tuesday, December 24, 2024Tuesday, December 23, 2025Tuesday, December 22, 2026Transcript Effective Date (Fully Graded)Wednesday, December 20, 2023Thursday, December 26, 2024Friday, December 26, 2025Wednesday, December 23, 2026End of Corrected GradesFriday, January 5, 2024Friday, January 10, 2025Friday, January 9, 2026Friday, January 8, 2027

Spring Semester





IUOCC ReplicationThursday, August 31, 2023Thursday, September 5, 2024Thursday, September 4, 2025Thursday, September 3, 2026Continuing Student Term ActivationTuesday, September 26, 2023Tuesday, October 1, 2024Tuesday, September 30, 2025Tuesday, September 29, 2026Run Enrollment AppointmentsWednesday, September 27, 2023Wednesday, October 2, 2024Wednesday, October 1, 2025Wednesday, September 30, 2026Registration BeginsMonday, October 30, 2023Monday, November 4, 2024Monday, November 3, 2025Monday, November 2, 2026Intersession StartMonday, December 18, 2023Monday, December 23, 2024Monday, December 22, 2025Monday, December 21, 2026Intersession EndFriday, January 5, 2024Friday, January 10, 2025Friday, January 9, 2026Friday, January 8, 2027Incomplete Grade Lapse (fall 2022 I to F)Tuesday, January 2, 2024tbdtbdtbdTerm BeginsMonday, January 8, 2024Monday, January 13, 2025Monday, January 12, 2026Monday, January 11, 2027Last Date to request WaitlistWednesday, January 10, 2024Wednesday, January 15, 2025Wednesday, January 14, 2026-Wednesday, January 13, 2027CensusSunday, January 14, 2024Sunday, January 19, 2025Sunday, January 18, 2026Sunday, January 17, 2027MLK BirthdayMonday, January 15, 2024Monday, January 20, 2025Monday, January 19, 2026Monday, January 18, 2027End of first week - Begin Late eAdd/eDrop (100% Refund)Sunday, January 14, 2024Sunday, January 19, 2025Sunday, January 18, 2026Sunday, January 17, 2027End of second week (75% Refund)Sunday, January 21, 2024Sunday, January 26, 2025Sunday, January 25, 2026Sunday, January 24, 2027End of third week (50% Refund)Sunday, January 28, 2024Sunday, February 2, 2025Sunday, February 1, 2026Sunday, January 31, 2027End of fourth week (25% Refund)Sunday, February 4, 2024Sunday, February 9, 2025Sunday, February 8, 2026Sunday, February 7, 2027End of Automatic Withdrawal-Late Withdrawalsat IUN are auto approved through the end of the 12th week for full-semester courses and to the end of the 6th week for eight-week courses. Withdrawal requests after this deadline are subject to instructor and dean approval resulting in a W, F or denial of the request.Sunday, March 10, 2024(extended IUN dates: 8W1 classes Sunday, February 18, 2024. Full-Semester and 8W2 classes Sunday, March 31, 2024)Sunday, March 16, 2025Sunday, March 15, 2026Sunday, March 14, 2027Last date to requestPass/FailFriday, January 19, 2024Friday, January 24, 2025Sunday, March 15, 2026Friday, January 22, 2027Online 8W1 BeginMonday, January 8, 2024Monday, January 13, 2025Monday, January 12, 2026Monday, January 11, 2027Online 8W1 EndFriday, March 1, 2024Friday, March 7, 2025Friday, March 6, 2026Friday, March 5, 2027Online 8W2 BeginMonday, March 4, 2024Monday, March 10, 2025Monday, March 9, 2026Monday, March 8, 2027Online 8W2 EndFriday, May 3, 2024Friday, May 9, 2025Friday, May 8, 2026Friday, May 7, 2027Spring Break StartSunday, March 10, 2024Sunday, March 16, 2025Sunday, March 15, 2026Sunday, March 14, 2027Spring Break EndSunday, March 17, 2024Sunday, March 23, 2025Sunday, March 22, 2026Sunday, March 21, 2027Solar Eclipse (No In-Person, On-Campus Classes)Monday, April 8, 2024N/AN/AN/ALast date to request a late withdrawal (W/F)Friday, April 26, 2024Friday, May 2, 2025Friday, May 1, 2026Friday, April 30, 2027Generate Final RostersMonday, April 15, 2024Monday, April 21, 2025Monday, April 20, 2026Monday, April 19, 2027Final Grades Processing BeginsTuesday, April 16, 2024Tuesday, April 22, 2025Tuesday, April 21, 2026Tuesday, April 20, 2027Classes EndFriday, April 26, 2024Friday, May 2, 2025Friday, May 1, 2026Friday, April 30, 2027Exams Final StartMonday, April 29, 2024Monday, May 5, 2025Monday, May 4, 2026Monday, May 3, 2027Exams Final EndFriday, May 3, 2024Friday, May 9, 2025Friday, May 8, 2026Friday, May 7, 2027Preferred Final Grades Due DateMonday, May 6, 2024Monday, May 12, 2025Monday, May 11, 2026Monday, May 10, 2027Policy Final Grades Due DateTuesday, May 7, 2024Tuesday, May 13, 2025Tuesday, May 12, 2026Tuesday, May 11, 2027Transcript Effective Date (Fully Graded)Wednesday, May 8, 2024Wednesday, May 14, 2025Wednesday, May 13, 2026Wednesday, May 12, 2027End of Corrected GradesFriday, May 24, 2024Friday, May 30, 2025Friday, May 29, 2026Friday, May 28, 2027CommencementWednesday, May 8, 2024tbdtbdtbd

Summer Full





IUOCC ReplicationThursday, August 31, 2023Thursday, September 5, 2024Thursday, September 4, 2025Thursday, September 3, 2026Continuing Student Term ActivationTuesday, September 26, 2023Tuesday, October 1, 2024Tuesday, September 30, 2025Tuesday, September 29, 2026Run Enrollment AppointmentsWednesday, September 27, 2023Wednesday, October 2, 2024Wednesday, October 1, 2025Wednesday, September 30, 2026Registration BeginsMonday, October 30, 2023Monday, November 4, 2024Monday, November 3, 2025Monday, November 2, 2026Term BeginsMonday, May 13, 2024Monday, May 19, 2025Monday, May 18, 2026Monday, May 17, 2027Last Date to request WaitlistWednesday, May 15, 2024Wednesday, May 21, 2025Wednesday, May 20, 2026Wednesday, May 19, 2027CensusSunday, May 19, 2024Sunday, May 25, 2025Sunday, May 24, 2026Sunday, May 23, 2027Last date to requestPass/FailFriday, May 24, 2024Friday, May 30, 2025Friday, May 29, 2026Friday, May 28, 2027Memorial DayMonday, May 27, 2024Monday, May 26, 2025Monday, May 25, 2026Monday, May 31, 2027End of 100% RefundSunday, May 19, 2024Sunday, May 25, 2025Sunday, May 24, 2026Sunday, May 23, 2027End of 75% RefundSunday, May 26, 2024Sunday, June 1, 2025Sunday, May 31, 2026Sunday, May 30, 2027End of 50% RefundSunday, June 2, 2024Sunday, June 8, 2025Sunday, June 7, 2026Sunday, June 6, 2027End of 25% RefundSunday, June 9, 2024Sunday, June 15, 2025Sunday, June 14, 2026Sunday, June 13, 2027End of Automatic WithdrawalSunday, June 30, 2024Sunday, July 6, 2025Sunday, July 5, 2026Sunday, July 4, 2027JuneteenthWednesday, June 19, 2024Thursday, June 19, 2025Friday, June 19, 2026Friday, June 18, 2027Incomplete Grade Lapse (spring 2022 I to F)Monday, June 24, 2024tbdtbdtbdSummer Break StartTuesday, June 25, 2024Tuesday, July 1, 2025Tuesday, June 30, 2026Tuesday, June 29, 2027Summer Break EndFriday, June 28, 2024Friday, July 4, 2025Friday, July 3, 2026Friday, July 2, 2027Independence DayThursday, July 4, 2024Friday, July 4, 2025Friday, July 3, 2026Monday, July 5, 2027Last date to request a late withdrawal (W/F)Friday, August 2, 2024Friday, August 8, 2025Friday, August 7, 2026Friday, August 6, 2027Generate Final RostersMonday, July 29, 2024Monday, August 4, 2025Monday, August 3, 2026Monday, August 2, 2027Final Grades Processing BeginsTuesday, July 30, 2024Tuesday, August 5, 2025Tuesday, August 4, 2026Tuesday, August 3, 2027Classes EndFriday, August 9, 2024Friday, August 15, 2025Friday, August 14, 2026Friday, August 13, 2027Final Grades Processing EndsTuesday, August 13, 2024Tuesday, August 19, 2025Tuesday, August 18, 2026Tuesday, August 17, 2027Transcript Effective Date (Fully Graded)Wednesday, August 14, 2024Wednesday, August 20, 2025Wednesday, August 19, 2026Wednesday, August 18, 2027End of Corrected GradesFriday, August 30, 2024Friday, September 5, 2025Friday, September 4, 2026Friday, September 3, 2027

Summer Session I





IUOCC ReplicationThursday, August 31, 2023Thursday, September 5, 2024Thursday, September 4, 2025Thursday, September 3, 2026Continuing Student Term ActivationTuesday, September 26, 2023Tuesday, October 1, 2024Tuesday, September 30, 2025Tuesday, September 29, 2026Run Enrollment AppointmentsWednesday, September 27, 2023Wednesday, October 2, 2024Wednesday, October 1, 2025Wednesday, September 30, 2026Registration BeginsMonday, October 30, 2023Monday, November 4, 2024Monday, November 3, 2025Monday, November 2, 2026Term BeginsMonday, May 13, 2024Monday, May 19, 2025Monday, May 18, 2026Monday, May 17, 2027Last Date to request WaitlistWednesday, May 15, 2024Wednesday, May 21, 2025Wednesday, May 20, 2026Wednesday, May 19, 2027CensusSunday, May 19, 2024Sunday, May 25, 2025Sunday, May 24, 2026Sunday, May 23, 2027Memorial DayMonday, May 27, 2024Monday, May 26, 2025Monday, May 25, 2026Monday, May 31, 2027End of 100% RefundSunday, May 19, 2024Sunday, May 25, 2025Sunday, May 24, 2026Sunday, May 23, 2027End of 50% RefundSunday, May 26, 2024Sunday, June 1, 2025Sunday, May 31, 2026Sunday, May 30, 2027End of Automatic WithdrawalSunday, June 9, 2024Sunday, June 15, 2025Sunday, June 14, 2026Sunday, June 13, 2027JuneteenthWednesday, June 19, 2024Thursday, June 19, 2025Friday, June 19, 2026Friday, June 19, 2026Incomplete Grade Lapse (spring 2022 I to F)Monday, June 24, 2024tbdtbdtbdLast date to request Pass/FailFriday, May 17, 2024Friday, May 23, 2025Friday, May 22, 2026Friday, May 21, 2027Last date to request a late withdrawal (W/F)Monday, June 17, 2024Monday, June 23, 2025Monday, June 22, 2026Monday, June 21, 2027Generate Final RostersMonday, June 10, 2024Monday, June 16, 2025Monday, June 15, 2026Monday, June 14, 2027Final Grades Processing BeginsTuesday, June 11, 2024Tuesday, June 17, 2025Tuesday, June 16, 2026Tuesday, June 15, 2027Classes EndMonday, June 24, 2024Monday, June 30, 2025Monday, June 29, 2026Monday, June 28, 2027Final Grades Processing EndsFriday, June 28, 2024Friday, July 4, 2025Friday, July 3, 2026Friday, July 2, 2027Transcript Effective Date (Fully Graded)Monday, July 1, 2024Monday, July 7, 2025Monday, July 6, 2026Monday, July 5, 2027End of Corrected GradesMonday, July 15, 2024Monday, July 21, 2025Monday, July 20, 2026Monday, July 19, 2027

Summer Session II

2024202520262027IUOCC ReplicationThursday, August 31, 2023Thursday, September 5, 2024Thursday, September 4, 2025Thursday, September 3, 2026Continuing Student Term ActivationTuesday, September 26, 2023Tuesday, October 1, 2024Tuesday, September 30, 2025Tuesday, September 29, 2026Run Enrollment AppointmentsWednesday, September 27, 2023Wednesday, October 2, 2024Wednesday, October 1, 2025Wednesday, September 30, 2026Registration BeginsMonday, October 30, 2023Monday, November 4, 2024Monday, November 3, 2025Monday, November 2, 2026Term BeginsMonday, July 1, 2024Monday, July 7, 2025Monday, July 6, 2026Tuesday, July 6, 2027Last Date to request WaitlistWednesday, July 3, 2024Wednesday, July 9, 2025Wednesday, July 8, 2026Thursday, July 8, 2027CensusSunday, July 7, 2024Sunday, July 13, 2025Sunday, July 12, 2026Monday, July 12, 2027Independence DayThursday, July 4, 2024Friday, July 4, 2025Friday, July 3, 2026Monday, July 5, 2027End of 100% RefundSunday, July 7, 2024Sunday, July 13, 2025Sunday, July 12, 2026Monday, July 12, 2027End of 50% RefundSunday, July 14, 2024Sunday, July 20, 2025Sunday, July 19, 2026Monday, July 19, 2027End of Automatic WithdrawalSunday, July 28, 2024Sunday, August 3, 2025Sunday, August 2, 2026Monday, August 2, 2027Last date to requestPass/FailFriday, July 5, 2024Friday, July 11, 2025Friday, July 10, 2026Friday, July 9, 2027Last date to request a late withdrawal (W/F)Friday, August 2, 2024Friday, August 8, 2025Friday, August 7, 2026Thursday, August 5, 2027Generate Final RostersMonday, July 29, 2024Monday, August 4, 2025Monday, August 3, 2026Monday, August 2, 2027Final Grades Processing BeginsTuesday, July 30, 2024Tuesday, August 5, 2025Tuesday, August 4, 2026Tuesday, August 3, 2027Classes EndFriday, August 9, 2024Friday, August 15, 2025Friday, August 14, 2026Friday, August 13, 2027Final Grades Processing EndsTuesday, August 13, 2024Tuesday, August 19, 2025Tuesday, August 18, 2026Tuesday, August 17, 2027Transcript Effective Date (Fully Graded)Wednesday, August 14, 2024Wednesday, August 20, 2025Wednesday, August 19, 2026Wednesday, August 18, 2027End of Corrected GradesFriday, August 30, 2024Friday, September 5, 2025Friday, September 4, 2026Friday, September 3, 2027
Important Academic and Administrative Dates (2024)


How many dates until you make it official? ›

Be Clear How Many Dates You Need. The best thing you can do at the very beginning is to clarify how many dates you want to go on before you make your relationship official. For some of us, this number is as few as 2 dates, and for others, you need up to ten dates before a relationship can be made official.

How many dates until it's serious? ›

Every couple is different, but if you've gone on 3-4 dates and you're worried that you aren't official yet, don't worry. Most couples go on 5-6 dates before they start discussing a relationship, and some take even longer. Don't sweat it if you're a few dates in.

How many dates until a guy falls in love? ›

They are dates in which you go and do something together in public. Men want connection, true connection, as much as women do. In general, they're a little slower at forming that connection than women are, and 10 dates is a good rule of thumb.

What is the 10 date rule? ›

What is the 10 Date Rule? The 10 Date Rule is: Men are the most likely to have a relationship with a woman that they have gone on at least 10 dates with. These are proper dates, not coffee catch-ups, sleeping together or hanging out together.

What is the 3 month rule? ›

At a Glance

The three-month rule states you should date someone for 3 months before committing or taking it to the next level. This course of action can be useful, however, it's best to treat it as a guide rather than something to rigidly stick to.

What is the 5th date rule? ›

5th date rule is where you're supposed to either be serious or dump the person. They say it's the perfect time to know if he/she is the “one”. The 5th date rule is also a dating rule where you wait until the 5th date before having sex with someone.

What is the hardest year of dating? ›

The first year of the relationship is the hardest stage, and even when you're living together, you still discover new things about each other every day. How to Survive: The key to getting past the discovery stage is also discovery. The discovery of your partner's imperfections and your imperfections as well.

How many dates until you sleep together? ›

A second study in 2017 asked men and women specifically how many dates they usually waited before having a sexual experience with their partner. On average, men reported waiting about five dates, and women reported a preference of waiting closer to nine dates. Overall the average was about eight dates.

How many dates before catching feelings? ›

Those early interactions allow you to get a feel for them and to decide whether there is any point in continuing things further. By date two or three, you should have a pretty good idea if you like this person enough and if they are a good match on paper.

How many dates before kissing a guy? ›

Wait until the next date if you don't feel comfortable yet.

Many people wait until the second or third date for their first kiss, so don't get discouraged if you don't get one on your first date.

How quickly do guys catch feelings? ›

The average time for men to fall in love is 88 days, while those same feelings of true love take women 134 days. Another dating site, Elite Singles, did a poll in 2017 and found that 61 per cent of women believe in love at first sight, while 72 per cent of men do. These surveys focused on heterosexual relationships.

How do you tell if a man is falling for you? ›

A man who's falling in love can hint at his desire for greater closeness and intimacy in many different ways. You may notice that he's prioritizing you, opening up more, and working hard to make you happy. He might show you his softer side, while also serving as a source of strength and comfort when you need it most.

At what point does dating turn into a relationship? ›

As a rough rule, two months in should be a safe amount of time to broach the subject, Stott said. But every relationship is different, so if it feels right earlier, go for it. If it doesn't feel right at that stage, there are a few steps you can take to build yourself up for the conversation.

What is the 24 hour rule in dating? ›

The 24 Hour Rule is the window of time, a full day, to process when something happens, usually between you and another person. However, in that window you must act on it. Why this short amount of time? The reality is anything un-resolved will fester, it will ruminate.

How many dates before holding hands? ›

If you have a significant other, you know that there comes a time when you feel the urge to hold their hand. This is normal. It's okay to show affection and love to your significant other. Typically, couples start holding hands on the third day of "going out" at the earliest.

How many dates until you can make out? ›

Though some will feel ready for a full on smooch if the chemistry is right. Others might wish to wait until date number two or three before they lock lips with someone. If you are particularly shy or conservative, it might take longer. You should not feel pressured into kissing someone before you are ready.

How many dates until intimacy? ›

A second study in 2017 asked men and women specifically how many dates they usually waited before having a sexual experience with their partner. On average, men reported waiting about five dates, and women reported a preference of waiting closer to nine dates. Overall the average was about eight dates.

How many dates to determine chemistry? ›

Ury says that in a survey conducted by their team, one in three (32%) users say they need two to three dates with someone to find out if they're compatible. "It's important to give someone a chance as you build the relationship, even if you don't feel that initial pang of chemistry," says Ury.

How many dates before saying I love you? ›

There isn't a hard-and-fast rule or a definitive timeline for uttering those three words. According to dating and relationship coach Anika Rashaun, the average is about 2-6 months into dating, but it really depends on the individual relationship dynamics.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 6132

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.