Duck Life 6: Space is the sixth installment in the Duck Life series, released on May 25th, 2016. It takes place after the events of Duck Life: Treasure Hunt and before the events of Duck Life: Battle.
On May 5th, 2017, the game was released to Steam.
Click here to play Duck Life Space online for free!
- 1 Story
- 2 Gameplay
- 3 Earth
- 4 Moon
- 5 Mars
- 6 Terra
- 7 Freeze
- 8 Pyro
- 9 Ending
- 10 Trivia
Your duck is celebrating their reign as the world champion of duck racing, wearing a golden crown with pride. Suddenly, a mysterious wormhole appears in the sky and a spaceship piloted by an otherworldly duck emerges from it. Without hesitation, he steals your duck’s crown and flies off with it, forcing your duck to give chase after him and get it back.
Duck Life Space interprets core gameplay mechanics from Duck Life 4, while introducing new features such as a podium for feeding ducks separately, being able to select the training skill you want to do, and being able to fully customize purchased eggs from shops. The game also introduces a new skill called Intelligence, which determines how quickly your duck teleports through portals.
Earth is where you begin. Here, you have 3 training rooms: running, swimming, and flying. These are the only skills you can learn on Earth. There are 3 ducks. Beating the furthest right will get you a tournament ticket. Win the tournament on the red rocket and you go to the moon.
The moon is the second planet. Here the max level is increased to 40. In addition to the previous skills learned on Earth, the moon introduces climbing. Skills from the previous planet also have a new minigame as well. There are 2 ducks. The one on the right gives you the tournament ticket. The tournament is on the orange rocket. Winning sends you to Mars.
Mars is the third planet. The max level here is now 60. Here there are 5 training rooms: Running 3, Swimming 3, Flying 3, Climbing 2, and jumping. There are 2 ducks here. The pirate duck gives you the ticket after you beat it. The tournament is on a purple spaceship. Winning causes an alien duck to talk to you, not the one who stole your crown. He tells you he is running a tournament on a planet in a different galaxy and takes you aboard the ship. The purple ship then enters a portal. You then arrive on Terra.
Terra is the fourth planet. Terra is a beautiful and flourishes planet full of plants. The max level is now 80. There are 6 training rooms: Running 4, Swimming 4, Flying 4, Climbing 3, Jumping 2, and Intelligence. There are 2 ducks here the right most gives you the tournament ticket. The tournament is on a building attached to a huge bird. Winning causes the tournament owner you met on Mars to appear. He congratulates you for winning and suddenly the Alien who stole your crown appears and states you were cheating. It is then revealed that the other Alien worked for him and he blows a bird call. Waking up the huge bird. The green bird picks up your duck and flies off the planet and drops you on Freez.
Freeze is the fifth planet. Hence its name, it is a frigid and cold planet. The max level is now 100. There 6 training rooms: Running 5, Swimming 5, Flying 5, Climbing 4, Jumping 3, and Intelligence 2. There are 3 ducks here. The leftmost gives you the ticket. The tournament is on a floating black sphere like UFO. Winning the tournament allows you to go to Pyro, but not before a race with the alien duck, who declares you are worthy.
Pyro is the sixth and final planet. Pyro is hot and filled with lava and volcanoes. Unlike the other 5 planets, This one does not have a training facility. This is the home of the alien duck and his house is huge. There are 3 keys you need to unlock his house. There are 3 ducks and you need to beat all of them in a race to get the 3 keys. Once you reach him he challenges you to another race. Then a cutscene plays out. You are chasing him until he trips on a rock and your crown falls down a cliff. This is now a battle between the crown. This race is much different from others. You get to control your duck. Unlike the last race with him on Freez, The alien has a super barrier that allows him to fly through all the obstacles in the race. When you beat him you can buy the crown in the Pyro shop for free. You can also race people on facebook and now the max level is 255. This is not the end though.
After Beating the Alien Duck a lady duck appears and tells you you can go home with the Aliens's space ship a cutscene plays: you run through the underground caverns of Pyro and find the alien's ship. You then have to fly back home. Once you reach Earth the Alien's house appears and you have to fight it. After defeating it you go home and are crowned champion of the universe. This game leads into Duck Life Battle.
- In Duck Life: Treasure Hunt, your duck's findings of the crown spread across the galaxy, which is the reason why the Alien Duck steals it in this game.
- The cutscenes in Duck Life Space are shown in the form of a comic book as are the text bubbles in cutscenes.
- Freeze and Pyro can be seen from the sky in Terra.
- In demo versions of Duck Life Space, some ducks except for those with tournament tickets are sleeping and cannot be accessed, and the shops are closed and under construction.
- The fourth level Terra is the only planet to have translated in Portuguese